luni, 16 aprilie 2012

Daţi capitalismul poporului!

Povestea este simplă: un nene o tunde din Italia, pe la 1988, sătul de capitalismul de cumetrie din patria sa dragă, se stabileşte în SUA, pe tărâmul făgăduinţei, mai precis la Chicago, cu a sa faimoasă şcoală de economie, care a băgat lumea în rahat şi milioane de oameni în mormânt, înainte de vreme. Iar acolo băiatul descoperă că a fugit de dracu, şi a dat de tătâne-su! Şi, decepţionat, scrie el o carte: "Capitalism For The People". Carte căreia îi face recenzia FT. Din care articol citez:

"In the US he found a country that had built a system of capitalism that was the pre-eminent exemplar of the free-market ideal of economic liberty and open competition. He thrived on this meritocratic ethos. Yet now he is beginning to have his doubts, detecting hints in America of the kind of crony capitalism that afflicted Italy in the years of economic stagnation and corruption under Silvio Berlusconi.

A clear case in point is the extent to which the legislative process has become hostage to the lobbyists, while politicians increasingly depend for campaign finance on big business. The land of opportunity is thus turning into a land of rent seekers in which business has acquired excessive power and regulators have been captured by those they regulate.(s.m.)

A further problem is that extreme income inequality is breeding disaffection with capitalism. Boardroom pay has escalated while average earnings have stagnated. The economics of many modern industries work on a “winner takes all” principle, which diminishes hope and leads to the perception, expressed by the young people who camped in Zuccotti Park and elsewhere, that the rules no longer apply equally to everyone. The feeling that the system is rigged is exacerbated by a decline in upward mobility.

Zingales expresses an understandable nostalgia for the values of the American Revolution, which started as much as a protest against the corruption of the East India Company as a battle over taxation. And he produces a wonderful quote from Supreme Court justice Noah Swayne in 1875: “If any of the great corporations of the country were to hire adventurers who make market of themselves in this way, to procure the passage of a general law with a view to the promotion of their private interests, the moral sense of every right-minded man would instinctively denounce the employer and employed as steeped in corruption, and the employment as infamous.” Compare and contrast with the pygmies of today’s Supreme Court, who in 2010 made the landmark decision in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission that gave money unlimited power on the electoral process via super-Pacs. For some, this is fine because it is disclosed. Yet the fact of disclosure does not make the system of political finance any less corrupt."

Altul care vrea capitalism cu faţă umană! Să ne râdem, deci!

Un comentariu:

ANONIMUS spunea...

Daca te uiti ca suntem 7 miliarde de
oameni pe "terra"cearta despre capitalism si comunist este cu totul
neserioasa ca si teoria cati ingeri incap pe varful unui ac in Bizantul care era pe cale sa devina musulmana.
Acum daca nu itelegem ca irosim ultimile resurse intr-o economie idioata-numai cuvantul economie-este o gluma macabra.Nu peste mult timp nu numai capitalismul v-a pieri ci si democratia isi v-a pierde sensul.
Schimbarile, daca acum nu vor fi facute printr-o intelegere larga, se va face de catre puternicii omenirii,printr-un sistem in care omenirea v-a invidia dictatura .Oamenii au tendinta cand fiind siliti de situatia care ne paste,sa-si gaseasca motive si scuze pentru a face absolut toate ororile.Vor pierii miliarde de oameni,intregi semintii vor dispare,bancul cu arabii ce nu apar in filmele SF.este purul adevar.Rationalizarile resurselor va duce la trierile in care drepturile omului,v-a fi un banc bun.Si nu e vorba de un timp mare daca-l gandesti intr-un timp istoric.Ne jucam cu dracul,si daca nu se stopeaza sistemul asta idiot de risipire a resurselor, singurii norocosi suntem noi ca n-o sa-l prindem.

Fără ură, dar cu îngrijorare, despre viitor.

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