sâmbătă, 7 august 2010

A murit Tony Judt

Tony Judt a fost istoric, om de stânga, cu o minte sclipitoare şi un spirit polemic dezvoltat, care nu i-a adus doar prieteni. Spunea despre sine: "Today I’m regarded outside New York University as a looney-tunes leftie self-hating Jewish communist; inside the university I’m regarded as a typical old-fashioned white male liberal elitist. I like that. I’m on the edge of both, it makes me feel comfortable.”

A murit răpus de o boală rară şi îngrozitoare. Ştia că va muri, dar asta nu l-a împiedicat să lucreze până în ultimele zile ale vieţii. Se arăta îngrijorat de soarta social-democraţiei, de pierderea credinţei oamenilor în capacitatea statului de a face bine. 

"A well-organized society is one in which we know the truth about ourselves collectively, not one in which we tell pleasant lies about ourselves.”  Ei bine, a trăit conform acestui principiu: nu a spus minciuni comode despre sine şi lumea în care a trăit.

5 comentarii:

ken spunea...

O veste care ma intristeaza foarte tare ... Avea doar 62 ... Mai jos cateva randuri din 'LA Times':

"In 2005, his career reached its zenith with the publication of "Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945," a hefty book that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Writing in the New Yorker, intellectual historian Louis Menand called Judt's scope "virtually superhuman."

Critics considered the tome a masterful account of Europe's recovery from the wreckage of World War II. The New York Times Book Review named it one of the 10 best books of 2005, and last year the Toronto Star called it the best historical book of the decade.
In August 2009, he delivered his final public lecture to a packed NYU auditorium, speaking from memory in a labored voice for 90 minutes. Essentially a legacy speech, it was expanded into his final book, "Ill Fares the Land," deliberately written as a letter to young people.

"It's about not forgetting the past, about having the courage to look at the present and see its faults without walking away in disgust or skepticism," Judt said of the book in the March 2010 NPR interview. "It's about believing."

May he rest in peace.

ama spunea...

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Curiozitate din deformare profesionla....

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Despre asta este vorba: "The cause was complications of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig’s disease".

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Karakas spunea...

O mare pierdere! Sa se odihneasca in pace, si sa ne ramina sursa de inspiratie.

Fără ură, dar cu îngrijorare, despre viitor.

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