E prea simplu să spui că scenele de violenţă extremă de pe străzile Atenei şi ale Salonicului sunt doar manifestările anarhiste ale unor tineri radicalizaţi de excesele de brutalitate ale poliţiei. Sigur, uciderea unui tânăr de 16 ani de către un poliţist, într-un incident banal, până la urmă, într-un cartier pe jumătate boem, pe jumătate anarhist, al Atenei, nu este un act peste care se poate trece foarte uşor. dar dacă nu ar fi fost coapte condiţiile unei masive explozii de violenţă, lucrurile s-ar fi limitat la câteva vitrine sparte şi la un "duş" cu gaze lacrimogene, eventual la câteva cucuie. Am văzut lucruri şi mai rele la aşa-zisele derbiuri din campionatul nostru de rahat.
Numai că acum în Grecia nu despre huliganii din galeriile echipelor de fotbal este vorba, ci de ceva mult mai grav. Este vorba despre un eşec politic şi social profund, care îşi are rădăcinile în războiul civil care a urmat celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial şi în "dictaura coloneilor", între 1967 şi 1974. Rănile acestea nu s-au vindecat, se vede treaba, pentru că pe nimeni nu a interesat cu adevărat să le vindece, făcând nu atât dreptate victimelor, deşi este un lucru esenţial, ci lucrând, aşa cum au făcut spaniolii(deşi nici ei până la capăt) pentru o adevărată reconciliere naţională.
Grecii nu s-au reconciliat cu trecutul lor, chiar dacă prosperiatea indusă de aderarea Greciei la UE putea să fie un factor favorizant. Corupţie endemică nu doar în rândul clasei politice, o justiţie cu două viteze, un stat practic privatizat şi pus în slujba puternicilor zilei, o polarizare socială fără precedent, şi în ultima vreme o scădere dramatică a nivelului de trai al claselor populare. Tinerii au fost cei mai afectaţi de politicile neo-liberale duse la extrem de guvernul de dreapta al lui Caramalnis jr.( şi asta dă prost în poză: formarea unui soi de dinastii politice, care îşi transmit puterea din tată în fiu, pervertind sistemul şi închizând cercul puterii).
Aşa că nu este de mirare că tinerii evocă deschis ideea unui "război civil". În centrul revoltei se află Universitatea Politehnică din Atena, de unde a pornit şi în 1974 mişcarea de protest care a precipitat că derea regimului "coloneilor". Nu sună bine deloc, pentru o ţară membră a UE. Dar cel puţin Grecia transmite un avertisment ţărilor membre: bunăstarea este fragilă, subdezvoltarea este tenace, iar renunţarea la modelul social european, de dragul imitării modelului american, care a dat un faliment răsunător, trăgând după el şi UE în abisul crizei economice şi financiare, devine cauza principală a violenţelor sociale.
Şi mai e ceva: politicul a mers prea departe în cultura sa de confruntare permanentă, de demonizare a adevrsarului, de transformare a luptei anti-corupţie în instrument de distrugere a adversarilor politici. Confruntarea dintre cele două partide principale ale Greciei, unul de centru-dreapta, unul de centru-stânga a mers prea departe, la ură, încrâncenare, la radicalizarea poziţiilor. Această încrâncenare s-a transmis şi societăţii, unde nu mai există loc de dialog, de compromis, de consens, ci doar de confruntare.
Din păcate, nici România nu este departe de situaţia Greciei: tot o clasă politică autistă, ocupată cu jocuri de putere cretine, tot o polarizare socială extremă, tot o nelinişte socială în creştere, tot o societate divizată, care nu este capabilă să se reconcilieze cu trecutul, pentru a-şi salva viitorul. Şi lucrurile se vor înrăutăţi, pe fondul crizei economice. Care va fi scânteia care va aprinde şi la noi focul nemulţumirii sociale?
Aveţi aici o scenă din filmul lui Costa Gavras, Z, din 1969
Aici sunt scene filmate pe străzile Atenei noaptea trecută
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Europeans now revolt against Eurokleptocrats, fighting with police of kleptokratic governments, burning buildings, and causing chaos.
Europeans are mad as hell that their huge VAT goes to the secret offshore accounts of Eurokleptocrats! The European taxation is based on the VAT monstrosity against poor people! The most unfair tax is VAT, the calamity of EU; that's why Vatbuster Basil Venitis urges all Europeans to evade this tax of misery as much as possible! Europeans are yoked with a 15-25% VAT, value added tax. In Canada, VAT is only 5%. The burden of VAT falls on final consumers of products. VAT is a regressive tax; the poor pay higher percentage of their income.
Revenues from VAT are much lower than expected, because they are difficult and costly to administer and collect. Since any double- digit VAT leads many brave people to underground economy, most vatstruck Europeans evade VAT! As a matter of fact, if you are a real patriot, you should boycott shops that charge VAT! VAT is the cacothanasia of EU!
Vatbuster Basil Venitis considers EU the Eldorado of Underworld; it's an empire of great abundance of political kickbacks and vatpachyderm monstrosity. Since the EU government increases every year, much more does so its political corruption, which is proportional to the square of the size of the government. All organizations of EU have been infiltrated by socialist vatmonger mafiosi who are willing to do anything for kickbacks. Causanostra has moved now from Chicago to Brussels, and it controls all functions of the European confederation, including the Olaf antifraud office! No European machinery can run smoothly without lubricant! The Cohesion Fund is a musical chairs game of EU kleptocracy, manipulated by vatpachyderm PIGS: Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain.
The relationship of EU to its Member States can be fairly described as synergy in kleptocracy! When Greece joined EU in 1981, Greeks hoped EU could control Graecokleptocracy. Instead, to their horror and great disappointment, they saw EU encouraging Graecokleptocracy and imposing the hateful VAT on poor Greeks. Graecokleptocracy fully resonates with Eurokleptocracy! Vatmonger Emperor Barroso is in cahoots with Graecocacodemon Comical Costas to completely enslave Greeks to Brussels, and yoke poor Greeks with VAT. EU brought no catharsis, but a new layer of vatpachyderm kleptocracy! The new EU treaty under consideration is just an ergonomy of Eurokleptocracy!
The revolt is more intense in Greece, because Greece is the more corrupt state on Earth! Transparency International states that Greece is the most corrupt Member State of EU! Graecokleptocrats get their kickbacks from defense procurement (5% of sale), companies that violate the antitrust laws (10% of erased penalty), boondoggles, awards of lucrative contracts, foreign intelligence services, illegal hiring, sales of sinecures, insider trading, manipulation of secret treasury bonds, churning retirement funds, law bypasses, court trial fixes, steroids, and big favors. Most kickbacks are safely deposited in secret offshore accounts. Corruption distorts economics, because tenders are awarded according to the size of the kickback instead of merit. The economy of Greece is controlled by a politically connected corrupt elite (davajides). Avast Graecobogeys now!
Greeks are out in the streets in all cities causing fires and pandemonium. God only could save Greece by manifesting his benevolence with a coup d'etat! Since the achievement of national independence in 1829, Graecokleptocrats have engaged in a process of commoditizing and enslaving Greeks to the omnipotent government. The historical trajectory of Greece is presented in a continuous form from ancient Greece, without major influences from other cultures.
Thus, any changes which have marked the past and the history of Greece have been camouflaged in such a way that the nation is represented as a homogeneous people. Vatmonger Graecokleptocrats brainwash all Greeks that they must be willing to sacrifice for glorious motherland, that patriotism is the supreme virtue, and they should cheerfully pay the enormous taxes and kickbacks without complaints! Vatstruck Greeks are victims of taxation and kleptocracy. VAT and kleptocracy are the cacothanasia of Greece.
EU cannot rein in vatpachyderm Graecokleptocrats, who are out of this world! Basil Venitis points out that Pasokoroidia (pass of kleptocrats) and Nea Demagogia(raiders of nest eggs) have stolen more than 200 billion euros from the Greek treasury, the pension funds, gun purchases, awards of lucrative contracts, state financing of steroids to athletes, and antitrust blackmail during the last 34 years since dictatorship. Nevertheless, bewildered vatstruck Greeks continue to vote for these two mafias, because they are hooked to their sinecures, pork, and crumbs. The Greek electorate is captive!
Avast Graecobogeys now!
If these two mafias are not dissolved soon, the revolt is going to completely destroy Greece! The glorious ancient Greece of Pericles, Leonidas, Alexander, Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle, has been degraded to a kleptocracy, the miserable modern Greece of robber bumblers, such as Comical Costas, Horse Hat, Sioux Pikatsou, Duke of Hazard, Prima Dora, Funny Pal, Spin Teo, Cheetah Ridis, Vulgar Aches, Mitsot Aches, Meimar Aches, Hajic Aches, Hajid Aches, Mavro Gialouras, Sue Sarakatsanos, Aris Salome, Chancellor Abraham, Pakis Fanfaron, Lia Piss, Barbie Tsiotis, Byron Polysnafu, Ever Bulldozer, Orphan Ass, Lollapalooza Cincinnatus, Papa Andrew, Chinese Costas, Akis Broumel, Yiannos Deepthroat, Venice Elos, Sparrow Apostle Lucky, Frau Diamond, Lia Nice, Bear Athan, Pan Callous, Cheap Rush, Allah Vanos, and Cane Lee! Graecoparl is a cocoon of Graecokleptocrats!
Avast Graecobogeys now!
Basil Venitis states that vatmonger Comical Costas, the most corrupt prime minister on Earth, and vatmonger Papa Andrew, the leader of opposition, les enfants terribles of Europe, the megavat monsters who devour the vatstruck poor people, lead the stampede of bamboozled Greeks who run amuck in the streets in the direction of the cliff.
The masochistic tendency of crazy crowds to vote for their destroyers is a sort of mass hysteria, a terrible epidemic. Masochists get what they deserve! A shrewdness of antivenitist harmglad apes, high priests of pork and kickbacks, megavat monsters, play havoc with citizens hooked on graft and sinecure. There is a rising tide of discontent, which will eventually overthrow a government that has gone rotten at the core. Greece is a fast-ticking timebomb.
Vatbuster Venitis points out that two statist mafias, Pasokoroidia (pass of kleptocrats) and Nea Demagogia(raiders of nest eggs), have been mugging Greeks for 34 years since dictatorship, with the highest indirect taxes on Earth, an astronomic public debt, and the largest political corruption in this universe and all parallel universes!
300 antivenitist minotaurs, megavat monsters, suck the blood of vatstruck citizens in the Graecoparl, the most infamous brothel in the world, protected by their parlimmunity, and buying influential bumbler journalists with taxpayers' money. Boondoggles, armdoggles, churning of retirement funds, insider trading, and secret-bond trading are constantly initiated with the single purpose of creating huge kickbacks, safely deposited in secret offshore accounts.
Venitis notes that the cancer of corruption has made metastasis to clergy and hoi polloi. Wild ayatollahs have transformed the Greek Orthodox Church to Sodom and Gomor, an asylum of bumbler freaks!
Cacodemon ayatollahs of Chrysopege mafia lead a skulk of crucifoxes that devour the flock of faithful sheep in full harmjoy! Public employees demand extra secret cash from citizens, fakellaki, in order to do their job. Most court trials are fixed! Perjurers are a dime a dozen. The government finances all purchases of steroids of all athletes, including the Olympians! Avast Graecobogeys now!
Licenses of business, buildings, and professions demand a very expensive fakellaki called Gregory's tax or gregorosimo(fast stamp).
Gregory is a Greek word for fast! If you bribe a public employee with the secret gregorosimo, you will get the license instantly; otherwise you might have to wait years! The cradle of democracy is incompatible with democracy! Greece needs venitism now!
Vatbuster Basil Venitis asserts that any parliament is a parlor of political hookers, an asylum of bumbler kleptocrats! Every time a parl convenes, the vatstruck citizens become more enslaved. There are myriad laws that nobody knows, and nobody follows. The chronicle of Greek laws is an infamous series of stupidity, a Greek tragedy of masochism! There is a Greek law that nobody is supposed to park on sidewalks, but all Athenians violate this law anyhow. Selective prosecution can blackmail and intimidate the opponents of government.
Venitis points out that Greece, a small country of only eleven million people, has an astronomic public debt of 260 billion euros.
Where have all the billions gone? Offshore, offshore, offshore!
Greek politicians marry for dowry, and they keep lovers outside.
Most of these Graecocacodemons are ac-dc, so they make children in order to hide their gayness. Then they accumulate kickbacks, in order to create huge nesteggs for their offsprings. The children are initiated to politics, the art of fooling the people. By the time they grow up, the kleptomaniacs and mafiosi are rewarded with a promising political career, and the cycle of corruption starts over again. These vatmonger butterbabies, tied up to their mother's apron strings, have transformed the cradle of democracy to kleptocracy!
Athens is the center of the maelstrom of political corruption.
Greece needs venitism now!
Comical Costas, raider of nest eggs, robber bumbler, considers vatstruck Greeks stupid lemmings that can be drowned in masochistic directions. The magnum opus of vatpachyderm Comical Costas is the grand robbery of pension funds! Vatmonger Costas, the most corrupt primeminister on Earth, has sold Greeks the idea of individual sacrifice for Glorious Hellas, altruism, and common good. The Greek tragedy of commons transforms vatstruck Greeks to sacrificial animals on the altar of a socialist society. The weighted tax-to-GDP ratio is 40%. However, if we add all the kickbacks to taxes, the real tax- to-GDP ratio is 65%, the highest in the world! Nothing moves in Greece without kickbacks! VAT(value added tax) is 19%. Comical Costas, the #1 calamity of Greece, is a megavat moster who devours all poor Greeks in tiptop harmjoy! Venitis is the Cassandra of Comical Costas's downfall!
Venitis states that at least 90% of the new companies go belly up within a year. The few surviving ones are robbed by government with huge taxes, bureaucracy, regulation, and kickbacks. That's why the underground economy is flourishing. A business that succeeds in Greece is not a business that offers good products at low prices, but a business that gives big kickbacks to politicians and auditors.
Comical Costas and other Graecokleptocrats always demand kickbacks from Siemens and other top firms. Siemens deposited billions of euros in the secret offshore accounts of Graecocacodemons of Pasokoroidia and Nea Demagogia in exchange for lucratice contracts, such as the 2004 Athens Olympics. Tax evasion is the national vocation, avocation, and duty of all Greeks, the #1 comparative advantage in doing business!
While the private sector sheds jobs and the economy of Greece deteriorates, the Greek government at all levels is growing at an alarming pace with more sinecures, kickbacks, and graft. Government expansion is bad for the economy, and even worse for liberty. In the end, vatstruck Greek taxpayers are left with less rights, a bigger tab to pay, and a larger kleptocracy. The economic stimulus package Greeks should be asking for is a new government that is willing to cut taxes, especially VAT, and reduce government spending.
Asinity, machiavelism, extortion, perjury, megavat monstrosity, and kleptomania are the trademark of politicians, the whores of democracy, the shitscums of Earth. To gain our freedom, we have to get rid of politicians; they deserve to be shot at dawn! Vatstruck Greeks always vote for the kleptocrats of Pasokoroidia(pass of kleptocrats) and the kleptocrats of Nea Demagogia(raiders of nest eggs). This means that the cradle of democracy is completely incompatible with democracy! Basil Venitis considers this freakish behavior of voters harakiri of a nation.
The Mother of All European Scandals is the grand robbery of seventy billion euros of pension funds by Graecokleptocrats, engineered by JPMorgan! Labor union leaders keep their mouths shut, in exchange for seats in the parliament! Raiding the nest eggs of poor workers is disgusting, asininity, rudery, and social insecurity. Basil Venitis notes that the latest trick of political corruption is to send the JPM bonds held by Social Security and other retirement funds on a churning cruise to many trading havens, in order to generate political kickbacks from commissions and out-of-market imaginary freakish JPM bid-offer spreads! All Greek pension funds have been buying complex structured products in recent years, at inflated JPM prices. This way, billion euros are looted every year and safely deposited in secret offshore accounts of kleptocrats. These are the infamous bonds of bondage, which are never reported to EU!
Venitis points out that two electronic giants have made history.
General Electric(GE) of Uncle Sam has brought us many good things in life, especially Ronald Reagan! Siemens of Uncle Hitler has brought us many giga scandals in life, especially the Greek scandal. Siemens deposited billions of euros in the secret offshore accounts of Greek kleptocrats, in exchange for lucrative contracts, such as the 2004 Athens Olympics! This is bigger than the 1914 Siemens scandal that toppled the Japanese government, and it might as well topple the extremely corrupt government of Comical Costas.
Venitis asserts that Siemens is tiptop on feedbacks and kickbacks; it has the best electrical feedbacks in its appliances, and it gives the largest political kickbacks! The Siemens of feedbacks and kickbacks never lets its customers down, in plenty and want, in sickness and health, in wins and losses, in elections and takeovers! During the last ten years, Siemens has deposited two billion euros in the secret offshore accounts of Greek kleptocrats; one billion euros to Nea Demagogia and one billion euros to Pasokoroidia. Most kickbacks went to Comical Costas and Chinese Costas, two gymnoapes of infinitesimal neocortex, the vatmonger Costases of kickbacks! Siemens has also deposited 100 million euros in the secret offshore accounts of top Greek journalists, transforming them to fireflies of Graecokleptocracy!
The Siemens billion-euro kickbacks to Graecokleptocrats were revealed by Basil Venitis in 2005, but Siemens refuses to publish the names of all Graecokleptocrats. Chancellor Merkel and Emperor Barroso do not want Siemens to publish the names of their Greek friends! Moreover, Siemens plans to use some of these hidden names as a blackmail tool in obtaining more lucrative contracts in the future. Obviously, Siemens has not leveled with its lawyers, Lykourezos in Athens and Debevoise in New York. If Siemens continues to hide the names of Graecokleptocrats of Pasokoroidia and Nea Demagogia, it will definitely go belly up soon!
Munich-based Bavarian senior state public prosecutor Christian Schmidt-Sommerfeld is in charge of the Siemens investigation. The government of Comical Costas boycotts the work of venitist Schmidt- Sommerfeld in all possible ways: providing wrong information, perjuring, stalling, threatening, pressuring, bumbling, and misdirecting. There is a great conspiracy of Emperor Barroso, Chancellor Merkel, and Graecocacodemon Comical Costas to confuse Schmidt-Sommerfeld and manipulate his investigation.
European courts cannot prosecute MPs, because they are protected by the parliamentary immunity. Comical Costas's crimes far exceed those of Richard Nixon, but Costas cannot be impeached and prosecuted!
Venitis asserts that regulators go after weak persons to fulfill their quotas, unless they need publicity. For the moment no Greek regulator has gone after JPMorgan for engineering the raid of Greek nest eggs and Siemens for robbing the Olympian funds. JPM and Siemens are big enough to castrate any regulator who questions their integrity. Venitis urges Uncle Sam(US) and Uncle Ken(UK) to hang JPMorgan and Siemens for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act! JPM pays pullpeddler Tony Blair two million euros every year to keep its Greek-American president Jamie Dimon out of Greek jails!
Siemens does not have to give anything, because its executives also work for German espionage!
There is no independence of justice in Greece, and perjurers are dime a dozen. Comical Costas, the #1 calamity of Greece, the most corrupt primeminister on Earth, has ordered Supreme Prosecutor George Sanidas and Magistrate Panagiotis Athanasiou to cover up all his crimes.
Vatstruck Greeks consider Athanasiou the perjurious black hole of memory! Any scandal sent to Athanasiou is forgotten forever! But Basil Venitis is considered a white hole, broadcasting all information on kickbacks to the universe, creating a baby universe of venitism that is growing fast. Vatstruck Greeks hope for a coup d'etat, that could hang all Graecokleptocrats and Graecocacodemon perjurers in front of the parliament! Avast Graecobogeys now!
Vatstruck Greeks, victims of taxation and kleptocracy, will take care of Comical Costas, Horse Hat, Duke of Hazard, and all vatmonger Graecokleptocrats in a new revolt. Now, nobody can touch Comical Costas, eventhough prosecutor George Zorbas has proved that Comical Costas received kickbacks from churning the pension funds, and a Munich prosecutor traced billions of Siemens kickbacks to secret offshore accounts of Graecokleptocrats. In a dejavu of Richard Nixon and Archibald Cox, Graecocacodemon Costas fired Zorbas for not covering up Costas's crimes!
Greek elections are a Theater of the Absurd, a Greek tragicomedy.
Vatstruck voters do not understand the issues, economics, and politics. Their vote is a manifestation of masochism and ignorance.
They vote for infamous vatmonger kleptocrats, camouflaged as patriots and Santa Clauses who promise sinecures and dolce vita. Just three kleptocratic families manage to fool all Greeks all time, gathering all power in their hands, and merging kleptocracy with familyocracy.
Greek election regulation is nothing more than an incumbency protection mechanism designed by kleptocrats for their own benefit.
For each electoral period and for each canididate, it forbids:
1. Donations from corporations and foreigners.
2. Donations of more than 3,000 euros.
3. Election expenses beyond certain threshold. For Athens B', which has three million people, the threshold is 135,000 euros.
4. TV and radio advertising.
5. Brochures enclosed in newspapers.
6. Posters.
7. Hosting TV shows.
8. Appearing more than once on a TV station.
9. Election office on ground floor.
Incumbents violate all regulations, protected by paliamentary immunity! An EU regulation requires candidates to pay VAT on donations! But since Graecocacodemon incumbents do not report donations, they do not pay VAT!
European TV has become a weapon of mass distortion, the torque of antivenitist spin! Bumbler Superanchors feel they must be the social biased conscience of EU! They seem to have a higher vain calling beyond objectively presenting what happens on a day-to-day basis.
Antivenitist anchors, hosts, presenters, moderators, commentators, reporters, editors, and producers routinely display an arrogance driven by an inflated sense of selfworth and kickbacks from Eurokleptocrats and corpfarists. They are the enlightened Buddhas of European journalism. The vanitiy of these telebuddhas distorts the way news is covered. Antivenitist TV bias is more than just something we need to keep our eye on. It is an endemic problem, not being seriously addressed. The mother of all Greek telebuddhas is Haji Nudnik of Alter Ego, who dictates what's good and bad for the crazy crowds, directing them properly to the cliff over Acropolis!
European TV reporters are dime a dozen. Legendary remains the 100- million-euro kickback of Siemens to Greek media in order to keep their mouths shut about the billion-euro kickbacks to Pasokoroidia and Nea Demagogia! Journalists must strive for objectivity, not antivenitism and kickbacks. TV is the worst source of political information, because it expresses the least common denominator of crazy crowds that run amuck in the direction of the cliff!
Venitis points out that European TV debates are awful. The bloviating is excessive, the mudslinging is sadomasochistic, the substance is infinitesimal, and the moderating is unprofessional. The less substantive and contentious the debate is, and the less interesting the discussion, the better it is for the most popular Eurokleptocrat.
Parroting moderators seem more interested in squelching than in promoting real disagreement. Boring formats rule out the genuine give-and-take of a dynamic debate. Megavat Eurokleptocracy is never meentioned! Rather than seeing Eurokleptocrats forced to operate outside their own comfort zones, all the voters see are bumbler Eurokleptocrats doing their best to stay within their coached preparations. However, the biggest failing of the debates is substantive. For all of the noise and fury of politics, vatmonger Eurokleptocrats agree more than they disagree.
We need venitism now! If not now, when?
- Venitism is a new libertarian paradigm, introduced by Basil Venitis, which integrates politics, economics, ethics, and spirituality.
- Venitists follow the Venitis Laws:
- Venitis Law of Black Hole: Taxation is armed robbery that feeds the black hole of political corruption; it's the perfect index of corruption and tyranny. Only evil governments tax citizens.
- Venitis Law of Constitution: The only purpose of a constitution is to protect citizens from government abuse.
- Venitis Law of Democracy: Every democracy is eventually hijacked by rabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious bugaboos, busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of cronyism, pusillanimous pussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist sophists, and machiavellian mafiosi. Democracy tends to kleptocracy. Venitism should replace democracy.
- Venitis Law of Depression: Only governments can cause economic depressions.
- Venitis Law of Education: There is no direct relationship between education and schooling. You might be schooled but uneducated, and you might be educated but unschooled. Colleges are concentration camps for the drones of society. Internet is the best source of knowledge and information. Internet should replace schools, libraries, parliaments, and postoffice.
- Venitis Law of Environment: The best way to save the environment is vasectomy.
- Venitis Law of Equality: Death is the only equalizer.
- Venitis Law of Evolution: The ultimate phase of human evolution is the complete domination of soul.
- Venitis Law of Faith: Faith is retarded thinking that keeps you away from God. You have to become faithless, in order to start your journey to God! You have to discover God your own way without intermediaries. God's truth should replace faith.
- Venitis Law of Government: The only purpose of government is to protect citizens from criminals.
- Venitis Law of Heroism: Entrepreneurs, innovators, and heretics are the real heroes.
- Venitis Law of Insurance: Citizens with proper individual retirement accounts and health savings accounts should be allowed to opt out of Social Security.
- Venitis Law of Intervention: Any government intervention deteriorates an existing trend.
- Venitis Law of Legislature: Parliaments should be abolished, because they continuously create laws that enslave citizens, constraint economic activity, loot producers, reward drones, and encourage political corruption.
- Venitis Law of Misery: Throwing money to misery brings more misery.
- Venitis Law of Property: Governments should not own or regulate any property. The first individual who improves or cultivates any unclaimed property is entitled to that property.
- Venitis Law of Religion: Religion is spiritual slavery. Church is the business of religion. Religious monopoly turns bishops to ayatollahs, and churches to Sodom and Gomor. Spirituality and metaphysics should replace religion.
- Venitis Law of Rule: Anarchy is the rule of gangs, infinitesimal government is the rule of law, and big government is the rule of the cancer of socialism.
- Venitis Law of Selfownership: You own your body and your soul, and nobody should dictate what you take in and what you take out.
- Venitis Law of Style: Your soul needs to resonate with mighty words and unique acts that express your style and destiny. Resonate now and sing your song!
- Venitis Law of System: The most efficient political system is venitism, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no parliament, and a powerless infinitesimal government is supported by donations.
- Venitis Square Law: Political corruption is proportional to the square of the size of the government.
- Venitis Tax Law: For each percent of lower taxes, the economy grows by at least four percent more.
Am apreciat articolul dvs. d-le Gheorghe, deoarece este destul de greu ca in presa noastra sa gasesti articole care sa semnaleze starea exploziva la care poate duce politica neoliberala excesiva, demonizarea adversarului politic, radicalizarea ambelor parti ale spectrului politic, ce nu le mai permite dialogul, ci numai confruntarea brutala. Dar mi-e dificil sa subscriu la opinia dvs. ca „Romania nu e departe de situatia Greciei“. Campania noastra electorala, relativ calma (afara de invinuirile si epitetele de rigoare), a fost urmata de „pupat piata publica“. Iar acceptarea de cei mai multi din conducerea unicului partid de stanga (PSD) de a duce tratative pentru o eventuala formare de guvern cu PD-L, subliniaza doar cat de justificata a fost atitudinea „Votul canci!“. Si recunosc aceasta in mod autocritic. Cine este oare in tara noastra echivalentul grecului Venitis, din postarea lui „anonim“ de mai sus, simbol al omului revoltat? Romanii isi exprima dezacordul fata de o politica anti-sociala doar prin tacere, prin abtinerea de la vot. Dar studenti indignati de opulenta magnatilor sau de profiturile enorme transferate peste granita de capitalistii romani sau straini sunt greu de imaginat intr-o tara in care intelectualitatea e fascinata de Liiceanu, Patapievici si Plesu! Cred ca Ion Iliescu a inteles mai demult acest lucru si a preferat sa se retraga din mizeria unei politici devenita politicianista.
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