Scârbos de laș Occidentul, de care ne agățăm cu disperarea înecatului, deși e tot mai evident că împreună ne paște prăpastia. Iar britanicii sunt, cu istoria lor imperială, de căcat, cu tot, o culme a acestei lașități generalizate. Da, Brexitul a fost o uriașă greșeală, urmare a unui calcul imbecil al lui Cameron, care a adus în jocul de putere Referendumul pentru ieșirea Marii Britanii din UE. Era doar un șantaj pentru a obține privilegii pentru Marea Britanie din partea celorlalți 27 de membri. Ei bine, putea renunța la organizarea lui, de vreme ce obținuse aproape tot ce-și dorea. A supralicitat, și a pierdut.
Acum, în loc ca liderii politici britanici, conservatori, laburiști și restul găștii, să spună englezilor: ”Bă, băieți și fete! Am făcut o uriașă greșeală cu Brexitul. Vom pierde foarte mult, și nu doar economic. Pierdem deja. Am ajuns la un consens, și vom organiza un nou Referendum, pentru rămânerea în UE. Și noi, toți, vă îndemnăm să votați pentru rămânere!”, n-au găsit altceva decât să invoce vina lui Putin! Care, cică, ar fi finanțat campania pro-Brexit! Delegitimând astfel rezultatul votului!
”All told, it would be a fitting irony if, of all people, it was Putin who saved Britain from Brexit. A steady trickle of hard information and soft rumour about Russian support for Brexit risks becoming a torrent. Some of this support was, frankly, of questionable impact. Too much is often made of the alleged influence of the English-language Sputnik news agency and RT television channel, or even of the online trolling and disinformation campaign. Evidence that they actually changed minds – rather than just pandered to existing prejudices – is still lacking.
However, there is a growing likelihood that later this year or early next we will see solid evidence of financial support for the Brexit camp, too. MP Ben Bradshaw has used parliamentary privilege to raise the question of the mysteriously bottomless pockets of Arron Banks, the main backer for Leave.EU. The Electoral Commission this week launched an investigation into whether he and one of his companies broke campaign finance rules in the run-up to the referendum. George Cottrell, once an aide to the former Ukip leader Nigel Farage, has been arrested by the FBI on money laundering charges, and we await the outcome of that investigation.
Meanwhile, according to US intelligence sources with whom I have discussed Moscow’s activities, there are other cases of what the Russian spooks call “black cash” supporting pro-Brexit campaigns and campaigners, likely to be revealed over the course of the several inquiries taking place on the other side of the Atlantic. Of course, assessing the impact of these operations will require careful study and scholarly rigour. But when has this stopped anyone using eye-catching allegations for political advantage?
Ironically enough, this may come at exactly the right time to let a British political elite increasingly alarmed about Brexit off the hook. There is public dismay at the slow progress of talks, but no clear mandate to reverse policy. Hard evidence of active, covert Russian interference would delegitimise the original vote, given the narrow margin of victory. Hardcore Brexiteers will risk looking like Putin’s “useful idiots”.
This would allow the government to re-run or even disregard the referendum without looking as if it is admitting a mistake or challenging the popular will. It would also smooth the way to allowing article 50 to be revoked or ignored with no penalty. (While the EU is formally committed to allowing the UK to change its mind, there are those in Brussels with more punitive intent.)”
Asta e! Măreția Occidentului, în toată splendoarea ei
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